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 2024 Cross Country Season

is off with a bang!!



Email coach if you have questions



The cost for the 2024 CC season is $150 (does not include uniforms)  All registration fees are nonrefundable.


We will add a link here to purchase your singlet and shorts.  Our uniform will be the same for track season.  Talk to Coach with questions about uniforms and shoes.


We expect each runner to be able to complete 3 miles in under 30 minutes without stopping before they can be entered to race.  However, if they cannot then they should be able to jog 20 minutes without stopping at practice.  We don't have a tryout but when you're at practice Coach will asses if you are ready to compete.  Every level of experience and ability is accepted, as long as you have a winning attitude and do what Coach asks you to do. 


Our sport requires that you train all year, and follow Coach's plan for you in and out of season.  If you're in another sport or take time off, Coach will give you plans to help you stay healthy and avoid injuries.  Most of our runners train 5-7 days per week, and when you begin this mostly very easy pace running.  We teach specific training skills for strength, speed and endurance that you are expected to follow at home.  We meet at least twice per week including winter training before track and summer training before cross country seasons.


We practice at Bear Branch Sportsfields, Terramont Park, Klein Oak Track and other locations around the Woodlands.  Stay connected with Remind messages so you know any updates on times or locations.  Evening practices are usually 7-9pm.


Meets begin in late August, and most runners finish their post season in October.  There are championships that continue in November so talk to Coach about the possibility of your athlete participating in those.  Coach will always send the lineup of who is racing and what time leading up to that meet.  Most meets are held on Saturday Mornings, and some may or may not include middle school and high school on the same day. 


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